As a small business owner, your website is often the first impression potential clients have of you. It needs to be authentic, trustworthy, and relatable. One of the quickest ways to undermine that impression is by using stock images. Here’s why avoiding stock photos and showcasing the real you can make all the difference.
Stock Images Don’t Build Trust
When visitors land on your website, they want to feel like they’re engaging with a real person or team, not a generic, faceless entity. Stock images can make your website feel inauthentic and disconnected from the reality of your business. For instance, imagine visiting a website that says, "Call me today!" next to a photo of a twenty-something with a Hollywood smile. If you're expecting to deal with a middle-aged accountant in Crewe, this image is more likely to create distrust than confidence.
Authenticity Matters to Your Clients
When your website features genuine photos of you and your team, it helps potential clients relate to you on a personal level. They want to see someone who looks like they could be part of their local community—someone real and approachable. It doesn’t matter if you think the photos aren’t the most flattering. Your clients aren’t judging your appearance; they’re looking for someone they can trust.
A Real-Life Example
A company owner asked me to review their website. It was a small business in a serious, regulated industry in the northwest of England. Their website needed to convey trustworthiness and a strong local presence. However, the photo they used to represent their office featured a modern building with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking a sunny pool—not exactly what you’d expect from a company based in Warrington!
I suggested they replace the stock images with real photos of their actual office and staff. This simple change made their website look genuine, trustworthy, and connected to the local community.
Showcase the Real You
If you’re a sole trader or a small business owner, don’t be afraid to show your real face on your website. Being authentic makes you relatable, and relatability builds trust. Investing in professional photos of yourself, your team, and your workspace is a smart move. It’s probably more affordable than you think, and you can use these images across all your marketing channels, including social media.
In fact, investing in high-quality, genuine photos is one of the best things you can do to improve your website’s appearance and professionalism. It shows that you respect your clients enough to be honest with them from the very first interaction.
So, ditch the stock images and let your website reflect the real you. Your clients will appreciate the authenticity, and it will set the stage for building lasting, trust-based relationships.