How To Check That Your Website Suits The Style Of Your Business
Take a good objective look at your website. Think about the colours, the tone, the use of language, the font, the images. In fact, look at your website as a whole. What impression does it give? Does that fit with the personality of your business?
"What? My business has a personality?" 😯
Yes, of course it does. And your website should reflect and actively promote it.
All businesses have a personality
Some businesses are formal, some a cutting edge, some are creative. Websites, in fact all branding, should promote the image the business is trying to convey.
Some examples:
If you are a grief counsellor, your website should be friendly and reassuring but not flippant.
If you run a hipster cafe, it should be cool and contemporary but welcoming and maybe a little tongue in cheek.
And if you run Peabody and Snobgood Chartered Accountants, it definitely should not look like the image above.
What Is The Style Of Your Business?
Take some time to think about the personality of your business. Is it quirky? Is it warm? Is it reliable? What colours do you associate with that quality? What type of font is suitable? What style of language would your clients expect you to use? Now look again at your website. Does your website suit the style of your business or does any aspect of the style jar with the impression you'd like to give to your clients?
It's All About The Client
Your website is all about your client not you.
It doesn't matter what your favourite colour is or that you love racing cars or that you have a dodgy sense of humour. Your website should be targeted to attract your ideal client and every aspect of the style should be chosen accordingly.
Does Your Website Reflect Your Business And Your Ideal Client?
If you think your website is a little "off" please get in touch. I can help you.